25APR2023: His Will, His Plan
🎄April PWP-Christmas Every Month Winner!
🐱 Proverbs 16: 1-9 , Parallels: James 4: 13-15, Psalm 37: 23, Ecclesiastes 5: 1-7
📖The influence of Solomon is seen again in Proverbs 16. It offers insight into the importance of seeking wisdom & guidance from God in our daily lives. The passage begins by acknowledging that the heart of man plans his way, but ultimately it is the Lord who directs his steps. This highlights the importance of seeking God’s guidance & surrendering our plans to His will. The passage also warns against pride & encourages humility, reminding us that God honors those who recognize their dependence on Him. Finally, the passage emphasizes the importance of honesty, integrity, & righteousness, reminding us that these qualities lead to the abundant life the Lord has planned for each of us.
💭 When I need a reminder about my “plans” or “purpose” these verses are a prompting of where to put my energy. When making choices about how to make “plans” or “fill” my calendar, I pray & follow guidance on where my priorities are & where they should be. Some of my choices have certainly not been God’s plan, but he will always use them for good & provide, if you change your heart to hear His will.
🎄🎁 The April PWP Christmas every month was close, but Mrs. Smurr’s Little Ducks have been selected to receive the $50.00 🐣April PWP-Christmas Every Month Gift. As it was so close our Runner up, No Strings Attached will already be one of the 3 nominees for May. Be sure to send over any “Pawsitive Impact” Projects that you would like to nominate for May!
📖 🙏🏻🐈 Oh Heavenly Father we praise you Lord for your unconditional love. Let us look to you for guidance instead of letting earthly desires guide us in our day. We celebrate the generosity of your grace by giving today another donation raised by those wanting to get closer to you & grow in their relationship to you. May you bless this gift given for your glory & let it find a positive impact for the community. As we are all equal on this earth as your children, we pray together. Amen.
#tuxedocat#christianfaith #Biblestudy #Proverbs16 #Godsblessings #faith #Jesus #ACTS1 #encouragement #paws4prayer #christiancat #prayingforyou #spiritualwalk #christianaction #godsglory #salvation #prayer #practice #CatforChrist #flawed