🔔Be sure to Nominate a “Positive Impact” project for June’s Christmas every month! We only have 1 nominee so far! Comment, nominations close 16JUNE!
😺Passages: James 1:12 and Proverbs 28:1
📖Multiple times throughout the Bible we are told we will face difficulties, sorrow and challenges. Sometimes these obstacles might be your own insecurities keeping you from achieving what you feel so called to do. In the face of obstacles and trials, keep moving forward and nurturing your relationship with God! Seek His guidance, listen attentively, and boldly step forward. It is through these trials that we grow stronger, building trust in God’s plans and promises.
💭Everyone says the things we do with Puko are crazy or “it’s impossible”, but with daily attention and effort great things can be accomplished. A trust is built and Puko has a dependency on our guidance when he is out of his comfort zone. So wether roaming our neighbourhood, plane trips, strolling the beach, going to the local cafe, or checking out historical sites Puko is prepared for the impossible! 😉
💬What goals/dreams do you have that someone said are impossible? What is holding you back from accomplishing the impossible?
🙏🏻🐈 Heavenly Father, we thank You for this new day to face the impossible in our lives. Whatever challenges we encounter, help us seek Your guidance and align with Your will. Give us the courage to step outside our comfort zones and trust in Your leading. Let us stop holding our breaths and exhale with our faith and trust that you will lead us to the righteous path and we will receive the crown that You have promised. In your name, all God’s children say, Amen.
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